Kitiara and the Healing Hand

Kit was born to an elven mother. She didn't know anything of her father except what she was told. At a very young age she noticed a difference between her and the other children. She was not only taller, but she developed a lot earlier that the other female elves. One day after her lessons in archery and melee combat, she went to the temple of Mishikal for her daily prayers. Sitting alone near the statue of Mishikal, and praying for the health of her mother who was very ill, she heard a faint voice. The voice came from the direction of the statue, but noone was there. It had said; "I feel for your mother, and I sense great potential in you!" Thinking she had imagined the voice from being so tired, she dismissed the though. Thhe next couple of days during her lessons, she seemed distracted. Her teacher, sensing her thoughts called the lesson short for the day.

When her lesson was cut short, she rushed home to care for her mother. That night, while she lay in bed, she heard that voice again. "I can sense you are very strong in the ways of magic." She sat up in her bed with a start and looked around, but saw noone. Since she was up and that voice had rattled her, she got dressed and went to the temple to pray. Sitting close to the statue with her head bowed in prayer, She heard the voice again, only this time it sounded like it was coming from inside the statue. When she looked up, the statue of Mishikal had outstretched its hands and held out a medallion. Looking around to see if she could see anyone, she got to her feet and called out; "Who's there?" There was no reply. The medallion glowed with a pale blue light that radiated a warmth of peace and good health. Quickly she took the medallion and put it in her pocket and walked out of the temple. When she got home she went to check on her mother, and felt a warm pulse from the pocket the medallion was in. She withdrew the medallion and it glowed brightly and gave off a comfortable warmth.

She felt as though the medallion was begging her to wear it. She slipped the medallion around her neck, and felt very calm and peaceful. Over the next couple of weeks, her mothers health improved. Then one day while she was taking her lessons, she tripped over her teachers robes, and the medallion slipped out of her blouse. The teacher admired the medallion and asked where she had gotten it. Fumbling for a response that he might believe, she felt the sudden urge to tell him the truth, about the voice she had heard, and the statue offering it to her. She decided just to tell him it was a gift for fear that he might think her crazy and have her examined for a disease of the mind. They continued with the lesson, until she miscalculated a strike and cut her teachers arm rather badly. THe medallion started to glow a really light blue, and before they knew what was happeneing, his cut closed, and looked like he had torn his shirt on a thorn. The teacher thought her studying "witchcraft" and immediately ran to go see the speaker of the suns. When the Speaker heard of this news, he immediately proclaimmed that she be banished for studying the magic arts. She was escorted back to her house where she was told to gather her things and leave Qualinost forever. Before she had everything packed, her mother came into her room and proceeded to tell her of her 2 half brothers in solace. They stood there for long minutes so she could absorb what she was just told. Perhaps they could tell her more about what kind of person her father was. She told her mother that she was going to seek them out, and learn what she could about her father. She left qualinost with no complaints or struggling, and started off to find her brothers.

On her way throught the forrest to get to the main road that lead from Xak Tsaroth in the south to Abananisia in the far north, she can across a wounded animal. Though the wounded animal could notice her approach, it made no attempt to flee the potential danger. Instead it seemed to be limping towards her. When the animal was within mere feet of her, it stopped and collapsed in the forrest floor. Running over to to see to the animal she heard a twig snap a few yards away. Whatever had wounded this animal was coming to finish it off. She helped the animal to it's feet, and lead it into a thicket of underbrush. When the thing that was hunting it came into the clearing about 100 feet away, she saw something she had only heard about...a human. And so the adventure begins...!